Unquestionably the "salt" is what gives flavor to our food, is a basic element in the cuisine of any country, however, despite being a key ingredient, is being left for granted instead of explore it and discover new flavors.
Due to the lack of proposals in this market Compania de Sales was born in 2013, a company dedicated to developing their own salt mixtures for different uses.
The salt in this project is a variant for lot of consumers in our country, enriching the consumer line for this condiment that has great strength in Mexican cuisine.
Foodies and artisans by nature, explorers and globetrotters by instinct, but above all collectors of salt and rituals ... that's our company.
Compania de Sales ''Those seeking culinary experiences rediscovering the subtlety of the natural elements, combinations unique, and create memories that delight the palate of diners".
As a result of what they call "unexpected fusions of flavors, textures and aromas that seem to be of an imaginary universe," his first feature Prehispánic and Mexican Herbs collection, consisting of:
Agave Worm and Hoja Santa Grasshopper and Ginger Epazote and Jalapeno Spearmint and Citrus Chicatana Ant and Cardamom
Habanero & Orange
Herbal & Citrus

Tell us more about what represents the concept and its cultural relevance.
In this first series we decided to focus on edible insects, we want to rescue the unique flavors of each, in addition to their nutritional value. Then we work with maguey worms, grasshoppers, Escamoles, ants and jumiles, and even merge with various chiles, herbs and spices not only from Mexico, but from other regions to exploit new flavors and aromas.
What are the future plans of Compania de Sales?
We want to continue discovering aromas and flavors that Mexico and the world have to share; explore new flavors to the palate. That's why we're focusing on research to understand, raising awareness and sharing these delights.
Monterrey, mexico has catapulted itself as a benchmark in the creative industries and projects like yours, what is your perception of the movement in which they are immersed?
We are very proud to be part of this movement that combined genius and madness venture, always in search of new experiences. We hope these efforts will inspire new generations to create projects that nurture the intellect and the heart of the world.
Compania de Sales seeks to show findings not only linked to salt, but everything we experience in the kitchen "spices, herbs, oils, teas and textures" giving value to what the salt and its importance in our tables, opening other roads in terms of aromas and flavors through an element that is a constant in our dishes.
Compania de Sales will continue tirelessly traveling land and sea in search of "Salt inhabited wonderful stories."